Set Designs
These two designs are for the street set and the bedroom set, which feature heavily in the 2 minute film. The street will be used at the...
Test Dolly Shots
These two test shots were created with a stretch of Hornby model railway track and my camera mounted on top to enable a panning movement...

Presentation for 'The Lady in White'
Photo by Mark Collington Today has given me the confidence that I'm on the right track towards producing a film that will have a rather...
'The Lady in White' - First Animatic
Using my storyboards, I was able to trace the drawings in Photoshop and add some basic colour for the rough animatic. The film flows well...

Addressing the Femme Fatale in 'The Lady in White'
Subconciously I have woven in themes of film noir unintentionally that have referenced the representation of the female figure within the...

Recycling Storyboards for Photoshop based Animatic
Creating my animatic follows the storyboard very closely and so using these images, I've managed to convert the hand drawn style into a...

Animatic Begins..
Collating all the storyboards together and downloading a royalty free temp track, the animatic for 'The Lady in White' has started...

Potential Company: HIT Entertainment
I've been looking at companies who deal with television work who have ownership over bigger branded shows such as Thomas and Friends and...

Behind the Scenes Photo
Setting up a photo shoot for the opening shot.

Opening Scene (Test Shoot)
The establishing shot in the film opens with a letter and a necklace that have been left ontop of a car bonnet. The dialogue over the...