Animatic Begins..
Collating all the storyboards together and downloading a royalty free temp track, the animatic for 'The Lady in White' has started successfully. Most of the scenes have been scanned into the computer for estimated shot length and the number of shots needed for the whole production.
I have also finalised a script which I (for now) have provided the voice-over for purposes of the animatic. Currently the edit is looking to be 2 minutes in length (minus end credits). My priority for this month is to focus on creating the puppets and sets for filming at the end of February or early March. Some shots at the start of the film don't require the characters and so can be filmed in advanceso that March can be focused solely on the character animation.
Though this film is rather short, the detail within the visuals should hopefully boost its appeal and therefore emphasise the beauty of this medium.
Things to address:
- Set Materials (wood/foam/cork etc).
- Wing nuts and bolts to be purchased for character support.
- Non human shots to be filmed in advance.