Exploring lighting through Pathe
Today has been about the exploration of projection and the impact that shadows can inflict on the space that falls behind. This logo uses...
Christmas themed silhouette Animation (Lotte Reiniger)
Whilst looking at the idea of projection of shapes relating to Christmas, I discovered a short advert from the 1940s as a reminder for...

Tate Modern: Captivating artwork
Much of the interesting work within the Tate Modern focused on the use of film projection; similar to that of a cinema. Omer Fast's "The...
Marketing research: Ryvita Advert
From looking at varous marketing techniques, I stumbled across this quirkey advert that could help us in our studio project for Aduna....
Aduna research: The culture of Gambia through sound
Exploring into the company and their products they offer, I have managed to find a video that gets a taste of culture for Gambia through...
Stop Motion fruit test
After browsing different royalty free sounds I found a music clip that featured instruments that sounded similar to Gambian styled music....

MD6001 Week 1: Modernism
Modernism and the effects it has had on art history has been influentual and inspiring through the imagery created by artists, however...