Compiling my Showreel
Today I've started to piece together all my work from the past 3 years and choosing the best animation that demonstrates my skills. My...

Rough Cut Completed
As of today, 'The Lady in White' was submitted for assessment prior to the screenings next month. Yesterday's shots completed the film in...

Final shot: Broken Love
The very last shot I filmed consisted of the necklace beads falling to the floor as Helena is strangled. What I knew would be most...

Finalising Street Set for Filming
The final shot featuring Helena, my lead female character, was finished in today's shot and thus closes the gap before the deadline of...

Final Steam Engine Animation
Behind the scenes of today's shoot. Now in the final few days of filming, today was the last shot featuring the steam engine and...

Utilising First Year After Effects Skills
After Effects composition screenshot. A project I created in the first year of university introduced me to the tools and skills needed to...

Compositing onto After Effects Visuals
Instead of animating incrimental pieces of animation, I decided to fade the frames into one another to create a gentle ghostly movement...

Animating Anger
The basic background for today's close-up. Another low angle for today's shoot, this time to close in on the expressions of the villain...

Revealing the Villain
Animating today's shot. I'm now starting to close in on the main shots of the film slowly but surely. Today's shot will require some...