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Final Steam Engine Animation

Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 23.21.54.png

Behind the scenes of today's shoot.

Now in the final few days of filming, today was the last shot featuring the steam engine and contained the most amount of frames out of each shot I've previously animated coming to a total of 260 frames; or in English 11 seconds. It's closing up nicely now that most of the complex shots are rendered out with effects and colour grading. My focus is to try and complete the street shot tomorrow so I set myself up for the very basic remaining shots before Friday.

Feedback today has gone well in terms of the current state of the film and has given me the confidence that the editing has been well structured and paced for an easily digested running time. The only thing that was brought up was the need for sound effects to enable a more atmospheric/cinematic feel for the cinema screening. I'm currently in the process of mixing the dialogue and sound together outside of Premiere for a better mixing result. In terms of the screening and Summer Show exhibition for the film, I intend on making sure that the video quality is rendered in full 1080p for maximum visual quality.


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