Ivor Wood: Celebration of a Silent Genius

(BFI Southbank: Ivor Wood Celebration)
Today I attended a celebration screening and talk around the workings of an inspirational animator and artist who has provided a significant body of work in British Animation History. Notoriously Postman Pat and Gran were shows that could have almost been within the same world as each other, and each screened respectfully at the BFI today.
As a spectator I felt immensely proud, as much as inspired, to be sitting among a wealthy crowd of people and enjoying the visual charm associated with these shows. Nostalgia and inspiration combined becomes a grand sense of being elated into a creative mindset, that myself and the other members of Black Cat Films had to turn this energy into productivity on our own work.
Conclusively, the experience of cinema itself and laughter in simplicity is a beautiful thing. When comedy works onscreen, the reactions are almost contagious in an audience. As my next short films are focused on visual gags and encompassing a more comedic tone, today's screening of Gran in particular has established the art of subtlety and timing when it comes to humour. The plan to explore this within animation will be the focus for myself as part of Black Cat Films in the foreseeable future.